
Monday, February 19, 2018

10 Easy Way! How to speed up your Android device?

Make Your Android Run Faster

Q: How To Speed Up My Android Device?

Answer is here!
Let’s fix this problem. 

Sometimes we fall into this problem. Sometimes it goes to a very boring stage. Someone can think that good performance requires expensive phones. But our opinions  Mid-Range phone also can gives you Smooth and Speedy performance. Now I am give some Tips in this post. If you follow all this Rules, then you can make your Device Faster. So no more talk!

No.1: First Check Your Operating System. If new update available is there, then update your device. Every new update/version make your device faster. It remove bugs and make your system strong. If your device has any kind of virus, a new update can remove that.

No.2: Now open your App Store/Google Play Store and check which software need new update. Now update them all. It remove previous bugs from that software. Also give you a better performance.

No.3: Let’s uninstall/disable unused software. It helps you to gain more free space. More free space, more smooth performance.

No.4: Do not use low rated apps. That type of apps showing many disgusting ads when you use them. It really make your device run slower. So use high rated apps.

No.5: Always some storage should be kept blank. If you use your full storage, it make your device slower.

No.6: Turn off or Reduce animation. It also finish your battery faster.

No.6: Clean cached your apps data everyday. It helps them to load quickly and run smooth. You can use third party apps for clean cache.

No.7: Turn off auto sync.

No.8: Restart or Reboot your device everyday at least one time. It arrange your all system step by step and fix many small problem automatically.

No.9: If nothing works, then format your SD card/Device storage. It’s can remove all kind of virus and fix errors.

No.10: If no one can help you. Then here is the last way. Factory data reset. We know it’s really hurt. But I think when nothing works, this way can work.

Check How to increase your Android devices battery life, Click Here

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