
Monday, February 19, 2018

10 Easy and Best Way! How to increase your Android devices battery life?

Let's Increase Battery Life

There was a time. Android devices had poor battery life. But now present-time Android devices brands are getting more and more capable day by day. Now we have some devices which are really good for use more time, more battery life. Android devices like Smartphone, we use them for various purposes. That’s why we need a good battery life. Specially if you are a extreme gamer, Obviously you need a good,good,good again good battery.
Whatever, Now we discuss ( How to increase Android devices battery life? ).

Let’s start>>>>

No.1: Turn off cellular data or mobile data. If you don’t need to use it, then turn it off. Because when your  cellular data or mobile data is active,  this time it eat your battery charge like a ( Hungry Lion ). So turn it off and save your battery charge.

No.2: Turn off your Wi-Fi and Personal Hotspot. Before Complete your work and after turn them off. It really save battery charge.

No.3: Do not use Live Wallpaper. My opinion it’s a worth things to use. It just drain your battery. So do not use any kind of live wallpaper.

No.4: Turn off or reduce display animations. Display animation also eat your battery charge like live wallpaper.

No.5: Turn off Auto-Brightness. Some people says that, turn on auto-brightness it can helps you to save battery. But my opinion it’s not true. Because when you turn on auto-brightness this time some features are active like sensor. So turn off auto-brightness.

No.6: Uninstall or Disable apps, which apps are drain your devices battery charge. You can see which apps are using up your battery by going to the Battery section in the Settings menu. Of course, if you have been using an app often, it will be higher up on the list. That said, if you find that an app is causing an abnormal amount of battery drain, your best bet is to uninstall that particular app.

No.7: Turn on power saving mood. Nowadays every smart devices comes with this mood. When your battery percentage  reach 20%, then turn it on. Power saving mood works really cool.

No.8: Do not use low rated apps. Sometimes low rated apps drain your battery. So always use high rated apps.

No.9:  Use Greenify apps. This apps really work. Greenify allows to put other apps into hibernation when they aren’t in use. It helps to preventing them from operating in the background. So try it!

No.10: Turn off vibrate and haptic feedback. Turn off keypad tone. Turn off screen lock and unlock tone.

Check How to speed up your Android devices, Click here

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