
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Amazon Echo Voice Assistant Alexa laughs like ghostly smile!

Amazon Echo Voice Assistant Alexa 

!laughs like ghostly smile!

Without a reason, can any device be laughing?

Do not make mistakes if you think about this ghostly. In the case of the Amazon Echo Speaker, this problem has occurred for a few days. Amazon Echo Voice Assistant Alexei laughing with a spectacular smile. You can say this is a weird software problem.

Many are afraid to hear fearsome Alexei's horror smile. Some have published it in Twitter and Redtit. One said, Alex was given the command to light the lamp. But who knows what he heard! Ho hoars laughing.
Our artificial intelligence can accomplish various activities after listening to this software command.

One user wrote, 'I was in the kitchen. Suddenly the sound of laughter I was very scared. '

On Twitter, a user wrote, discussing important issues, suddenly Alexa laughed.
Another wrote, what happened with someone? She laughs to tell her to be open.
Another wrote, "I was sitting with my mother. Someone did not say anything, however, Alex laughed without any reason. We quickly open the plug. '

A spokeswoman of Amazon said about the sudden cause of the laughter, saying Alexei is wrongly hearing the command. The command is being closed to fix it. Instead, the new command will be, Alexa, can you laugh? Adjusting to this command, Alex is also responding to change. Alex will answer instead of laugh, of course I can laugh. That means, no more spectacular smile, Alexa.

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